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Inspiring Talks at Epsom Village: Susan Jordan and the Art of Creative Ageing

As part of its vibrant event schedule, Epsom Village features talks by inspiring professionals based in Auckland. One of the most successful lectures his year was given by Susan Jordan, a dancer and choreographer with over 50 years of experience.

For the past 11 years, Susan has led the company SeniorsDANCE, which promotes dancing for older New Zealanders to encourage healthy ageing. As Susan explained to Epsom Village, “Dancing is one of the best things you can do, especially as you get older, as it engages both the left and right sides of the brain. Each of my classes focuses on creative wellbeing because I want people to express themselves.”

Susan started this SeniorsDANCE in 2009 when a friend challenged her to shift gears in her fulfilling career by teaching dancing to older people. It’s a challenge she happily embraced, and her company now offers two fully booked lessons per week in classes in Mount Albert (fully booked) and Henderson. Susan and Christina Houghton (the Henderson teacher) focus on teaching easy-to-learn movements inspired by contemporary dance.

During her presentation at Epsom Village, Susan shared some of her simple dances with the residents, who enthusiastically participated and tried them out. Susan encouraged the residents to unleash their creativity and enjoy the dance, resulting in a delightful experience filled with laughter.

Since 2018 Susan has directed a dance show called "ASPiRE," created by seniors for seniors, exclusively featuring participants over 60 years old. It is a highly successful production aimed at changing attitudes towards ageing. The next ASPiRE might be part of the Tempo Dance Festival in October. Susan strongly believes in the concept of creative ageing, a term coined by the late American geriatrician Gene Cohen. "While researching for SeniorsDance, I discovered the concept of creative ageing. It emphasizes the benefits of arts in later stages of life and how they stimulate the brain. You could say that arts are like chocolate for the brain!"

Susan’s classes help improve balance, coordination, joint mobility, muscle strength, memory, and cognitive processes, while enhancing overall physical, mental, and social well-being. Many of our residents participated in dance and singing lessons when they were younger, but most gave them up when they started their own families.

Susan concluded her presentation with an inspiring message for all our residents: “It’s time to go back to dancing, reclaim your space and take up as much room as you want!”

If you’d like to know more about joining our community contact Lyn on 021 845 524 or email

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