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  • Mahurangi Health Collective
    Warkworth Oaks
    18 January 2022

    Mahurangi Health Collective

    Warkworth Oaks is situated right in the heart of beautiful Warworth village, with health services such as the Mahurangi Health Collective only a short stroll away. Lots of residents use their physiotherapy, massage and podiatry services to have the highest quality of life possible.
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  • Thirty years making model railroads
    Pakuranga Park
    11 January 2022

    Thirty years making model railroads

    Ray started building model railroads 30 years ago and he’s completing his third track at Pakuranga Park. His neighbours love to visit him (Covid-permitting) to admire his creation, which includes a fully functioning turntable, miniature plants and even a fast-food shop.
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  • Christmas parties
    22 December 2021

    Christmas parties

    Christmas functions have been an absolute success at Real Living. The villages have combined delicious food, elegance, live music and a good sense of humour to celebrate the magic season. After such a trying year it has been lovely for the residents to finally get together and toast for a more "ordinary" 2022.
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  • Christmas, a time for giving
    21 December 2021

    Christmas, a time for giving

    Real Living villages are full of talented residents who have the opportunity to show off their talents during Christmas time. Pakuranga Park and Epsom Village organised Market Days for the villagers to sell their creations, from knitted Christmas decorations to homemade cards. Some of the residents donate their proceeds to charity or send their homemade items straight to the SPCA, Middlemore Hospital or Auckland City Mission.
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  • International Volunteer Day
    Pakuranga Park
    06 December 2021

    International Volunteer Day

    To celebrate International Volunteer Day we’re sharing the stories of some of our most valuable volunteers at Pakuranga Park. Our resident volunteers help the village run more smoothly providing vital help to lots of their neighbours. Some of them, like Mike and Marilynn, also have a very active volunteer life outside the village. They’ve been involved in lots of projects, from Meals on Wheels to Crime Stoppers.
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  • Volunteering at Auckland Hospital
    Epsom Village
    03 December 2021

    Volunteering at Auckland Hospital

    Auckland City Hospital has 100 Blue Coats volunteers, way-finders who make sure that patients and visitors find their destination without stress. Epsom Village residents Margaret and Lesley are two of those volunteers. They love helping people and find this role extremely rewarding.
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  • Diwali, the Festival of Lights
    Remuera Gardens
    18 November 2021

    Diwali, the Festival of Lights

    At Real Living we’re very grateful for all the cultures that make up our villages. Remuera Gardens recently celebrated Diwali, the Festival of Lights. The residents had a real taste of the traditional sweets, and they were thrilled with the dance demonstration performed by the staff.
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  • Tried and True
    Pakuranga Park
    16 November 2021

    Tried and True

    Pakuranga Park’s new cookbook has just been released and is full of delicious recipes submitted by our talented residents. “Tried and true: A Taste of Real Living” was developed during the lockdown and it’s the perfect Christmas gift if you like real, foolproof recipes.
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  • Homemade Market Day
    Pakuranga Park
    11 November 2021

    Homemade Market Day

    Christmas is fast approaching, and our residents’ creativity is in full swing! At Pakuranga Park the Villagers have been busy crafting homemade decorations, baking delicious treats and preparing presents for the Women’s Refuge. On Thursday 11th of November the village will have a Market Day for the residents who want to sell their unique gifts to their neighbours.
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